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" is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye" Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Recording, through careful observational drawing and the collecting and investigating of materials, underpins my creative practice and informs my work.  Found objects and vintage items clutter my studio, providing abundant, rich source material as well as the joy of their discovery and collection. I am interested in people so my creative practice also includes regular life drawing and portraiture sessions. 

My artwork spans several disciplines including and I relish the variety, stimulation and opportunities this presents.  My love of vintage objects is evident in much of my subject matter and forms an integral part of my practice. The physical act of all making and the processes involved excite and interest me but it is paint in all its  manifestations that I return to and where my real interest of expression lies.

I produce work that is very personal, intimate and at times vulnerable; focusing on the fragility of life relationships and the lived experience.

Themes that include childhood, memory,  loss love, motherhood and family are investigated and realised in whatever media is appropriate and "speaks" of my intentions.

Ideas and themes are not at first glance explicit but must be de-coded to reveal what is hidden.  The artist/audience relationship is important to me and it is my intention that my work directly connects with those for whom it resonates.

A significant part of my practice involves the recording of the artefacts of everyday life.  In particular, what is discarded or remains but that retains an imprint of its former owner or wearer and so becomes a totem.  These objects have their own stories often known only to those for whom they have significance but they can speak to a wider audience; encouraging dialogue and a greater shared understanding.

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